Checking in…

Checking in…

It can be done.
Taking time for yourself, in this crazy world, it can happen.
It doesn’t happen in large blocks of time, it is a little here and a little there, stolen moments dedicated to self.

Maybe it is just a coffee with no sugar, or a salad instead of a sandwich or a mug of broth to start your afternoon instead of a burger…a walk, an extra hour of sleep, a long bath or just sitting for a moment reading in the quiet before anyone else gets up.
Whatever it is that you can do to make time where you are focused health first, do that.

It takes a while for it to become more apparent to you that changes are happening in a positive way, but it happens.
Be vigilant.
Include YOU in your day.
Teach someone else that maybe has forgotten how.

I finally broke through that 20 pound mark to 23.5 this morning. I feel better, stronger, but more peaceful in my day, in my body.

I am not worried about Holidays, or foods or whatever temptations will arise. I figure there are two big challenge meals ahead, Thanksgiving and Christmas but there are many many more in between I can focus on and since I cook both of those meals, I can tailor it to everyone’s needs, a meal here or there where our plates are full of a few no-no’s isn’t the end of the world.
We will overcome that quickly and just pick up where we left off.

Food is a one of my favorite passions, I love cooking.
I haven’t stopped making my family favorites, but I do make more healthy alternatives and changing up my menu now and then by converting old recipes and being more conscious of omitting flour and sugar as much as possible, because that’s not really good for anyone and my goal is to create a better way of life, for everyone here. Not just myself.

I Love my coffee in the morning and I sure do love my tea at night. I have one to two cups of Sleepytime Extra at 9 pm every single night. I love that finish to my day, the closure is good for me.

So, that is kind of where I am in my journey to wellness and better living through a kinder walk in the Grocery store avoiding the center aisles as much as possible.
No fads, no shakes, no pre-made boxes of processed foods.
While that may work for some, and that’s great…
That just isn’t going to make it here.
Our country-fried palates are undergoing enough therapy!

But it is important to treat yourself to a few breaks now and then.
Connect with friends over coffee, tea, set up a nice ritual that marks the end of the day, because it feels really good to know that consistency. I can’t imagine my life without the times dedicated to friendships and learning more about myself through connecting to others through the stories of our lives, the events that made us who we are and how we live out those influences in our daily way of living.

Looking forward.
A must during these gloomier days and hues of gray that seem endless.
I just finished up my first juried in submission for a Horse focused Art Exhibition this week. I have worked hard on my studio set up and my dedication to focusing on not only my health but peace-filled work that is calming and serene and filled with intimate details regarding the soul of the piece, whether it is in the eyes, hands or surrounding habitat.
My current work is a focus of water, wildlife, equine and portrait work of depicted  dreamlike states of recalled memory and tranquility. I think over the Wintering months, this will prove to be a benefit to my mind and my influence on the space my work resides.

We never know how our imprint can affect others, in the present or the future.
My goal is to create an impression of work that will lighten the spirit, allow for respite and the pondering of not only what is or what was, but what can be.
I delight in the joy of possibilities.
I believe in the power of prayer and positivity.
We are all walking, talking miracles.
Share your insights and fine tune your spiritual hearing.
There’s more to the world, than meets the eye.
Rejoice in the listening.
My BP this week, was 109/66 and my heart rate was a low 59 bpm.
Which is nearly a deep meditative state.
So, “calm” is looking pretty good these days, on my Self and hopefully my canvas too.

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“Divinity’s Palette”

Image may contain: Margie Miller Rigney, smiling, standing and indoor

No photo description available.  Image may contain: Margie Miller Rigney, smiling, eyeglasses and indoor



Image may contain: cloud, sky, mountain, outdoor and natureImage may contain: indoor

No photo description available.Image may contain: plant and indoor
No photo description available.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

    Dec 05, 2019 @ 21:14:27

    Lovely blog. Hope you have success with your wellness and balance trek! Quality of life is so meaningful.

    Our blogs have resonating content with the intent to uplift.

    Your artwork is phenomenal. It shows your kindness light and joy. Beautiful!


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